How to film a casting ident

  • Say your full name and age

  • Share your current location

  • Include any additional information if it has been requested in your self tape brief

  • Turn to the left/right to show your profiles

  • Raise your arms to the camera to show the front and the back of your hands

  • Make sure you are well framed in the shot, not far or too close to the camera

  • Head, shoulders and torso are ideal

  • Use a clear, clean and well lit area to film

  • Filming with an uncluttered background keeps more focus on you!

  • Speak clearly and try and stay in one spot 

  • Face the camera front on

Sarah Jeffs

Brightfeather Studio creates beautiful and marvelously functional websites.

My mission is to create Squarespace websites that not only look good and increase engagement/sales, but work for the client to reduce admin time, create an amazing user experience and reduce traditional future on-costs so that they can focus on what they do best.

As a Squarespace Authorised Trainer I also provide training so that they become self-sufficient and empowered. Many of my clients are women and working mothers who are already multi-tasking beyond belief and every minute saved is beneficial.

“I’m dedicated to focusing on businesses and individuals whose goal is to have a positive impact. Helping those who are helping others satisfies my desire to put more positive energy into the world as well as giving me the potential to grow and begin to offer people jobs myself”

How to take a good casting photo